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Welcome to Ethiopian Virtual!


Our mission at Ethiopian Virtual is to make sure you as a Pilot has all the tools you need to enjoy your career here at ETVA. Our goal is to be one giant happy family here! Please meet the Staff Team below that helps make this possible.

ETVA has a vast amount of routes in our database, and that number will keep growing as we do. We continue to build the The New Spirit of Africaā€¯ here on the Infinite Flight platform. Below are two maps (prescribed routes) and a map of our largest routes from our main hubs.

ETVA operates one of the most modern and expansive fleets of any VA currently operating in Infinite Flight. We are fortunate enough to offer both commercial and cargo aircraft, our entire fleet consists of a total of 7 in-game liveried aircraft.

A Message From Our President & CEO - DjSunFire

Welcome to the website and crew center for Ethiopian Virtual.

Warmest Greetings, Welcome to the Ethiopian Virtual Thread & Welcome to Ethiopian Virtual! We are glad to have you here as a pilot, and I hope you guys enjoy what we have to offer, which will range from our in-house and Infinite Flight Community Events to our upcoming Career Mode! There are plenty of programs to keep you, our pilots, interested along with the freedom to fly whatever route, with whatever aircraft, according to your rank and at any time you wish to fly! So, thank you, for you consideration on becoming a member amongst our ranks here at Ethiopian Virtual!. Warmest Regards,


Bringing Africa Together and Beyond

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